Off to the shops we go, with Mummy, Daddy and kids in-tow! Shopping List is a children’s matching and memory game by Orchard Toys. Each player has a cardboard player mat in the shape of a supermarket shopping trolley. They also have a shopping list, with eight items they need to find in the shop. Who will fill their trolley first?
Shopping List plays between 2-4 players. On each list there’s eight unique items, so there’s a total of 32 in total. Each of the items has its own token. You shuffle these tokens face-down and put them in the middle of the table (or the floor!). Then players take it in turns to reveal one token. If it’s on their shopping list, they get to add it to their trolley!
The skill involved is one of memory. This encourages children to remain alert, focus, and remember where items are in among the face-down tokens. Is the teddy bear on your shopping list, but someone else revealed it? They’ll return it face-down, so it’s up to you to remember where it is, so on your turn you can turn it over to add it to your trolley.
Trolleys have enough space for eight items, so once you fill your trolley, you win! Shopping List is a game for suggested ages of three and up. It’s very simple to set up. Everybody picks a trolley and a shopping list. Then you shuffle/arrange the tokens face-down. That’s about 30 seconds! Games of Shopping List take around 10-15 minutes to play. This is another perfect kids’ game from respected British publisher Orchard Toys.
Player Count:2-4 Players
Time: 15 minutes
Age: 3+
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